Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thing #6

Thing # 6

I'm writing about this one today because I am trying to plan a new unit in my media studies English class in which students will collaborate on a BIG project about corporations and their social responsibility/irresponsibility. The idea is to have them work in small groups to create an educational wiki meant to inform and educate about a specific corporation. This is going to involve a LOT of research, evaluation of various websites, and then production skills. I was thinking I'd have them create a WEBSITE for the information, but I got scared and settled on a wiki. That alone will be a new concept in organizational thinking for them - it was for me at first when I set up my wikis this year.

So, how to get them to collaborate on all the parts and pieces I will expect them to produce as a group. . . I will have to teach them to use google docs for sure. Should I have them set up the wiki as a work space and just put stuff straight in there - since it's a place they can invite only themselves and me - and they can all edit all of it, I can comment and give feedback. . . this will be an interesting experiment. I am a bit concerned that it might overwhelm several of them who are still not completely clear on how and why we use the wiki I created for the class yet - it's December and we use it EVERY DAY almost!!! YIKES! Many of them don't seem to be clear on the fact that they cannot cite google as a source! (Although, many of them are starting to really get the hang of all the web 2.0 tools we are bombarding them with this year. I am seeing lightbulbs come on!)

I need to do more work with the stuff we talked about at November's meeting - the "Hidden Web" and "Think Like a Librarian". . . NetTrekker . . . I better get started.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Grading blogs

So far this year, I am having a pretty good experience introducing and using blogs with my students. They all have their own blogs and are completing many of the shorter response type assignments I used to make them write on paper for homework on their blog. The only glitch with all this has been trying to organize a way to grade all this stuff efficiently. I believe in giving kids written feedback on everything they write, an I have found it to be rather time consuming to 1. enter each individualy blog, 2. search for and read the correct posting,, 3. write my comments, 4. enter the squiggly word code thing they want for EVERYTHING!, 5. click OK a number of times so my comment is allowed to post.. . .then back out of this blog and go to the next one.

One thing that has helped learning about and setting up my google reader. It was easy to import all the students' blogs and now I at least get an update when they post an assignment and I can easily access the blog to read and comment on it. I'm glad I learned that little tip right away in MILI!

There are still some bugs to work out with using blogs as an integral part of my media studies classes, but I am committed to working them out! I found it interesting (and a little scary) to listen to what the kids said in the Youtube video (top 10 reasons to use a blog in the classroom). This is definitely a way to engage many of our students today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama Yes We Can - but Can I?

I used this video in my media studies class today to introduce propaganda. The students were really engaged in the presentation. It's so interesting to me to watch them change their behavior, body language, increase their focus - during a multimedia presentation. It is how THEY learn. I get it. But I also think we need to be careful - so many young people have a hard time taking notes, fully focusing on what is being said in a classroom by a plain old boring teacher. They need that skill too. Sorry if there aren't technicolor flames shooting out my. . . head all day long! Accompanied by a motivational soundtrack! Sometimes I just need to TELL you something, and you just need to listen. Fully listen. Put down the cell phone, pull out the headphones, put down the pen, eat the skittles later. . . Am I a control freak??

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to get started

I am hoping that this blog will be accessible from the mediastudies wiki so that all the students in the class will be able to use ONE simple portal to access their blogs. And so that I will be able to find their blogs and read them all. Oh, I get a headache just thinking about all that reading, and searching, and clicking . . .

I am sort of surprised by how many students asked me today in class (the second day of the year) what a blog is. I expected them to have questions about what a wiki is. But I guess I thought more of them have blogged or at least visited a blog written by someone else maybe.

Well, we all have a lot to learn this year, and I can't wait to get them started and see if they like all this technology or not!